provides real-time and archived monitoring of the United Kingdom’s live traffic cameras.
Goals of
- [x] List all live traffic cameras in the UK
- [x] Show all live traffic cameras in the UK on a map
- [..] Archive footage for historical viewing
- – [x] Show today’s footage
- – [..] Show yesterday’s footage
- – [ ] Show up to a week old footage
- [ ] Add site search for locating webcams on roads, regions, etc.
- [x] Build a jQuery timelapse player for viewing existing footage
- [ ] Add menu links to major road ways in the UK
- [..] Extend jQuery timelapse player to support previous frame/next frame/pause frame
- [ ] Generate a MP4 container for native video playback
- [ ] Uptime monitoring of live traffic cameras
- [ ] Geo-location support for map usage when driving
[ ] In queue
[..] Happening
[x] Done!
This site is great! But…
If you’d like to see a feature added drop me a message.
How can you help?
Visit the Donate page and be a pal by helping out with monthly hosting costs.