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Wales » M6 06037 J10A-J11

M6 06037 J10A-J11

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Last 24 Hours (42 snapshots)

About this live traffic camera

  • Last updated: 4 hours ago
  • Status: Online
  • Direction:
  • Bearing:
  • Current date/time: 01/07/2024 06:44
  • Local timezone: Europe/London
  • Local time offset: 3600
  • Views: 961


  • Address:
  • Suburb:
  • Postcode:
  • Lat/Long: 52.629677, -2.0485728
  • GPS Coordinates: 52°37'46"N, 2°2'54"W

Camera provider

Traffic footage from this webcam is supplied by Traffic Wales.

Nearby cameras (9)

The following live traffic cameras are located within 3km of this permanent live camera.

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